
Why Keep Companies Anonymous?

I often see people posing things about companies they work for being terrible for various reasons, but they keep the company anonymous. What purpose does that ultimately serve? I mean, yeah, you can complain and get solidarity from others, but ultimately, beyond getting a little sympathy it doesn't help. ​ Punish these companies. Shame these companies. Share these companies. ​ What purpose (for you) does preserving the company's anonymity serve? And before you say “well, they'll know who I am and punish me” – you know you can use a throwaway, right? I mean, half the time these posts ARE throwaways, so I repeat – WHY AREN'T YOU BLASTING THESE COMPANIES? They don't deserve anonymity. When they act in these horribly unethical, often-illegal-but-never-enforced manners, the only way to fight we as workers have (individually – obviously unions and other group based actions are even stronger) is to shame them and…

I often see people posing things about companies they work for being terrible for various reasons, but they keep the company anonymous. What purpose does that ultimately serve? I mean, yeah, you can complain and get solidarity from others, but ultimately, beyond getting a little sympathy it doesn't help.

Punish these companies. Shame these companies. Share these companies.

What purpose (for you) does preserving the company's anonymity serve? And before you say “well, they'll know who I am and punish me” – you know you can use a throwaway, right? I mean, half the time these posts ARE throwaways, so I repeat – WHY AREN'T YOU BLASTING THESE COMPANIES? They don't deserve anonymity. When they act in these horribly unethical, often-illegal-but-never-enforced manners, the only way to fight we as workers have (individually – obviously unions and other group based actions are even stronger) is to shame them and hurt their bottom line via their reputation. It used to be at least you could blow them up with a Glassdoor or Indeed review, but these days companies are paying corporate shills to give fake good reviews, or worse yet, to have the existing bad reviews taken down. Fight back the only way you actually can as an individual – destroy their reputation. NAME THE COMPANY!

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