So, I work for a company that services a major retailer. We stock certain products on the shelves, and reset certain areas when inventory needs to be moved.
I have been here since the store opened. I've got a good rapport with the employees. We stay out of each other's way, and there have been very few issues. I generally write my own schedule, and part of my job description is that I'm supposed to act independently and adjust the order of tasks as needed. One of the interesting things about my job is that each task has an “estimated completion time”. So I might have a 4 hour, two 2 hour tasks, and a couple 1 hours in a given shift (I work 10 hour days by choice).
I'm lazy. I don't believe in working hard, I believe in working smart. I was very clear about this when I interviewed. I look for ways to make my job easier and more efficient. As a result of this, my store has one of the highest on-time completion rate.
But here's the secret. If a task is supposed to take 4 hours, and I finish it in 2, I take the next 2 hours to mess around (my Switch sees a lot of use). It's not like the store or my company loses money, they've already agreed on the rate/time. And I see no reason to push myself beyond the scope of my assigned tasks. I'm not looking for a promotion (I'm finishing college and have ZERO interest in moving up in the company), so being an “exceptional worker” has no value to me. I do what I'm contracted to do, no more, no less.
My previous manager got moved to a store closer to home, which is great for them. Im genuinely happy for them. The new manager sent out an email this week that basically read “I'm going to write the schedule. You WILL follow it. If a task takes less time than projected, I expect you to accurately report it.” There was more, but thats the pertinent bits.
So, okay. Guess what? No task is ever going to be finished early. All you've managed to accomplish is make me dissatisfied with you as a manager. I cannot comprehend why managers think insisting on thus sort of thing is ever going to have a positive effect…
Also, I'm not going to tell you that your schedule is doomed to fail, as you've failed to account for certain store conditions. Store conditions I could have informed you about had you consulted with me instead assuming you know best. You'll have no one to blame but yourself when things don't work out. I'm sure you'll try to blame me, but that won't work. My record shows that I do just fine on my own.
It's going to be an interesting week…
TLDR: New boss is a micromanager. Now instead of being innovative, I'm going to make sure every task takes exactly as long as it's booked for.