
Why school shootings and mental health are directly tied to labor.

This one is pretty easy. Since it now takes two incomes for families with kids to survive, and it still doesn't afford you what one income would. It directly effects the mental health of so many kids growing up without their own parents raising them because they're working so much. The kids also don't develop the same amount of relationships with other kids from a young age the way most kids used to with the mother widely being home and able to take the kid to play dates and such. This started somewhere around the latch key kid era in the late 70's, early 80's. Yes we had school shootings in the 80's, and both more children being home alone, and the school shootings have gotten worse since. The labor conditions this country is enduring have not only effected children negatively from a financial standpoint, hunger standpoint, the embarrassments and…

This one is pretty easy. Since it now takes two incomes for families with kids to survive, and it still doesn't afford you what one income would. It directly effects the mental health of so many kids growing up without their own parents raising them because they're working so much. The kids also don't develop the same amount of relationships with other kids from a young age the way most kids used to with the mother widely being home and able to take the kid to play dates and such.

This started somewhere around the latch key kid era in the late 70's, early 80's. Yes we had school shootings in the 80's, and both more children being home alone, and the school shootings have gotten worse since. The labor conditions this country is enduring have not only effected children negatively from a financial standpoint, hunger standpoint, the embarrassments and mental health issue's that come with being poor, but they've also essentially had their parents ripped away from them by corporate America, their young childhood relationships have been taken from them, and are more secluded from a young age.

We're the only country in the world that has school shootings often. I'm sick of hearing guns are the main problem, there's plenty of countries that have a lot of guns and still don't have school shootings the way we do. WE HAVE A MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS AND CORPORATE AMERICA TAKING ADVANTAGE OF US, FORCING BOTH PARENTS TO WORK JUST TO GET EVEN LESS THAN WHAT ONE DID IS A HUGE FACTOR IN WHY WE HAVE A MENTAL HEALTH CRISIS. Children need at least one of their parents around, there's no reason we should have a society where the school systems and daycare services care for people's children more than their own parents. There's no reason children should be growing up with no sense of community, no real support systems, and no or not many childhood friends.

Unless you're going to close the Mexican border so guns can't come through, guns aren't going away. Our government doesn't even want to stop the drugs coming through when they most certainly could, why would they stop the guns? Between that and the 2nd ammendment, guns aren't going anywhere whether you like it or not. So we can we stop wasting our time with yet another failed fight, and fight the real problem that could be fixed? Just like the fight for minimum wage, without legislation to stop them from passing the costs on to the consumer, and stopping price gouging, the minimum wage fight is actually a net negative when there's a win. Unfortunately, little do most people know, they love that we're fighting these fights that won't really help anything, because they get to keep doing what they're doing.

The bare minimum real fight that's needed is to return our stolen purchasing power for the last 50-100 years, the CPI metrics need to be changed to reflect actual inflation, and mandatory raises that meet or exceed the new, updated, and accurate CPI number. The latter will stop them from price gouging and passing the costs of wage increases on to the consumer because they will have to pay those increases back in wages if and or when they do due to mandatory raises that meet or exceed the accurate inflation number. Minimum wage increases alone do nothing.

Then from there, both the FLSA, and NLRA, NEED to be updated to reflect modern times, and modern issues. Realistically we need more drastic change than that, currency would become a thing of the past if I had my way, but those are the bare minimum and least radical things that would could realistically accomplish if enough people were educated enough to realize we're only really asking for what they've stolen from us. Labor issue's are directly tied to mental health of adults and youth, and at least in my opinion, are directly tied to the fact that this is the only country in the world that has even close to the amount of school shootings that we have. I don't believe it's a coincidence that children no longer being raised by their parents, no longer having the same sense of community, support, and friendships, that they once did, and the rise of modern school shootings seem to be around the same time.

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