
Why SHOULD we want to work?

Many bosses I've had have no friends, hate their wives, hate their kids, etc. I'm sorry (not sorry) I'm happier than them and have people I want to spend time with. I've been hanging out with a new girl and she's more fun than anything I've ever done at a job. My friends are more interesting than anyone I've ever worked with. My hobbies are more fulfilling than anything I was allowed to accomplish on a job. Jobs are miserable time vampires, and outside of some awful people trying to ruin it for everyone, the past 20~30 years was probably the best time in history to be alive. No polio or smallpox to worry about, still much room for improvement but likely the most equality in history, more movies and video games than ever, ability to travel, availability of food/drinks from around the world, etc. Gotta admit, the 50s (and…

Many bosses I've had have no friends, hate their wives, hate their kids, etc.

I'm sorry (not sorry) I'm happier than them and have people I want to spend time with.

I've been hanging out with a new girl and she's more fun than anything I've ever done at a job. My friends are more interesting than anyone I've ever worked with. My hobbies are more fulfilling than anything I was allowed to accomplish on a job.

Jobs are miserable time vampires, and outside of some awful people trying to ruin it for everyone, the past 20~30 years was probably the best time in history to be alive.

No polio or smallpox to worry about, still much room for improvement but likely the most equality in history, more movies and video games than ever, ability to travel, availability of food/drinks from around the world, etc.

Gotta admit, the 50s (and earlier) were objectively worse for most people on earth than recent years.

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