
Why the fuck is it always FOOD?

Jesus christ, is that all that these simple-minded, obliviously stupid and mind grating idiots that are in positions above you can really do? Here, have a pizza, on us! Here, we've ordered you guys subway meals! Here, we've left this 12 dozen box of donuts from Dunkin, with a nice 'thank you' written on it. It's always fucking food that's given to us and shitty one at that. So, not only do you have to feel shit about a job you hate, you can have the guilt on top of it for deciding to eat unhealthy foods so you can hate yourself while hating everything else about what you do. Food as a reward to me is about as penny pinching as it can get. Too good to get gift cards. Too good to get anything worthwhile rewarded.

Jesus christ, is that all that these simple-minded, obliviously stupid and mind grating idiots that are in positions above you can really do? Here, have a pizza, on us! Here, we've ordered you guys subway meals! Here, we've left this 12 dozen box of donuts from Dunkin, with a nice 'thank you' written on it.

It's always fucking food that's given to us and shitty one at that. So, not only do you have to feel shit about a job you hate, you can have the guilt on top of it for deciding to eat unhealthy foods so you can hate yourself while hating everything else about what you do.

Food as a reward to me is about as penny pinching as it can get. Too good to get gift cards. Too good to get anything worthwhile rewarded.

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