
Why the hell do your stay in the US?

Western European currently living in Australia here. I normally consider myself right wing and pro business but I keep reading horror story upon horror story here. Most of them seem to be from the US and every time I am just floored by the sheer inhumanity of this particular job market. Between the hellish working conditions, the distopian healthcare system and the odd school shooting, why would anyone want to stay in the US? I’m genuinely curious as one of this makes sense to me…

Western European currently living in Australia here.

I normally consider myself right wing and pro business but I keep reading horror story upon horror story here. Most of them seem to be from the US and every time I am just floored by the sheer inhumanity of this particular job market.

Between the hellish working conditions, the distopian healthcare system and the odd school shooting, why would anyone want to stay in the US?

I’m genuinely curious as one of this makes sense to me…

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