
Why the Midterm Election Matters

We need more votes in Congress to pass the Raise the Wage Act proposed by Senator Bernie Sanders and Co-Sponsored by 32 other Senators. This legislation would increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hr by 2025. It also dramatically increases wages for tipped employees, minors, agricultural workers and others who are currently paid less than minimum wage. It would provide increased income to 32 million people immediately. Currently, because Senators Manchin and Sinema won't vote for anything Pro-Worker, there are only 48 votes supporting it in the Senate. If we want any Pro-Worker legislation to pass in Congress, we need to expand the Democratic majority. I know the Democrats aren't perfect, but they're what we've got right now, and they're far more Pro-Worker and less Pro-Corporation than the Republicans. Please vote in the midterms this year and choose Pro-Worker candidates. Fewer people tend to vote in midterms, so each vote…

We need more votes in Congress to pass the Raise the Wage Act proposed by Senator Bernie Sanders and Co-Sponsored by 32 other Senators. This legislation would increase the federal minimum wage to $15/hr by 2025. It also dramatically increases wages for tipped employees, minors, agricultural workers and others who are currently paid less than minimum wage. It would provide increased income to 32 million people immediately.

Currently, because Senators Manchin and Sinema won't vote for anything Pro-Worker, there are only 48 votes supporting it in the Senate. If we want any Pro-Worker legislation to pass in Congress, we need to expand the Democratic majority. I know the Democrats aren't perfect, but they're what we've got right now, and they're far more Pro-Worker and less Pro-Corporation than the Republicans.

Please vote in the midterms this year and choose Pro-Worker candidates. Fewer people tend to vote in midterms, so each vote counts more. 2 million of us can make a difference!

Raise-the-Wage-Act-of-2021-Fact-Sheet-FINAL.pdf (

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