
Why we need unions

My dad has been a Teamster since 1988. Growing up we never had to worry about medical bills because the benefits he had through work were great. Fast forward to 2007, I joined the Teamsters as a union garbage man. I started at $22.57 by he time I retired in 2021 I was making $44 an hour. Almost double what I was making 14 years ago. I have had mental illness struggles for he past 20 years. Finally in 2021 my mental illness became unmanageable and I had to retire. I racked up $176,000 in medical bills, and my health coverage covered 100% of my medical bills. I was able to get on SSDI and I retired from the Teamsters on a disability retirement. Because of the great retirement I had through the Teamsters, I am collecting a disability retirement pension. I would be screwed financially if it wasn’t for…

My dad has been a Teamster since 1988. Growing up we never had to worry about medical bills because the benefits he had through work were great. Fast forward to 2007, I joined the Teamsters as a union garbage man. I started at $22.57 by he time I retired in 2021 I was making $44 an hour. Almost double what I was making 14 years ago.

I have had mental illness struggles for he past 20 years. Finally in 2021 my mental illness became unmanageable and I had to retire. I racked up $176,000 in medical bills, and my health coverage covered 100% of my medical bills. I was able to get on SSDI and I retired from the Teamsters on a disability retirement. Because of the great retirement I had through the Teamsters, I am collecting a disability retirement pension. I would be screwed financially if it wasn’t for my pension. My wife and I have the same health benefits I had when I was working. All thanks to the Teamsters.

Management never tried any of the bullshit I see people on this sub Reddit dealing with. You need an advocate. I was happy to pay the $100 a month union dues.

Keep trying to unionize! It’s the only protection we have as workers.


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