
why work today when you could quit?

There is a small amount of needed work on holidays, but if you are in retail or food you are simply being exploited. Most of you could get hired at another retail or food place next week, so why are you doing this to yourself? *There is a small subsect of workers that are legit stuck and this isn't to you, this is to everyone who isn't and is tolerating worse conditions than serfdom for unknown reasons, please realize you can not only do better but you can do better tommrrow

There is a small amount of needed work on holidays, but if you are in retail or food you are simply being exploited. Most of you could get hired at another retail or food place next week, so why are you doing this to yourself?

*There is a small subsect of workers that are legit stuck and this isn't to you, this is to everyone who isn't and is tolerating worse conditions than serfdom for unknown reasons, please realize you can not only do better but you can do better tommrrow

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