
Why would I contribute to society?

If society hates me and has rejected me. (No friends since school.) Why would I contribute to that society? If the minimum wage is so poor that I barely have an increased quality of life with it, what is the point of working? By getting a job I'm contributing more to society than helping myself. I am lessening the burden on the welfare system and my job would likely contribute towards the betterment of society in one or another by providing food and services to people. But, if I hate society, getting a job barely benefits my own interests, why would I work and help a society that I do not belong in? I didn't always think this way, when I was younger I did work. I never told anyone this but whenever I received overtime I would give it all to charity, I would help out those that couldn't…

If society hates me and has rejected me. (No friends since school.) Why would I contribute to that society?

If the minimum wage is so poor that I barely have an increased quality of life with it, what is the point of working?

By getting a job I'm contributing more to society than helping myself. I am lessening the burden on the welfare system and my job would likely contribute towards the betterment of society in one or another by providing food and services to people.

But, if I hate society, getting a job barely benefits my own interests, why would I work and help a society that I do not belong in?

I didn't always think this way, when I was younger I did work. I never told anyone this but whenever I received overtime I would give it all to charity, I would help out those that couldn't work. I was happy and as a result more likely to help society. But if I am unhappy and hate society why would I get a job when it seems to benefit everyone but me?

I've decided I'm not going to work unless I receive enough money to live more comfortably, there is enough social prestige for relationships or I'm happier in society (which will never happen).

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