
Wife will quit her remote job after one month of employment

My wife has worked as a construction estimator for over 5 years, being promoted from a junior estimator all the way up to lead estimator for residential construction. She has been a huge asset to this company for 5 years, and after us having our son, soon realized that she wanted to stay at home with him while I worked. So she turned her 2 weeks in, and everybody wished her well. No bad blood. Due to our financial situation, we needed some type of supplemental income to help us out with baby costs and having a home. So she finds a remote job that pays literally 50% of what she used to make to do the same thing, estimate costs. My wife was so excited and happy to have found a job that respects her wishes to be a full-time stay at home mother while helping this small company…

My wife has worked as a construction estimator for over 5 years, being promoted from a junior estimator all the way up to lead estimator for residential construction.

She has been a huge asset to this company for 5 years, and after us having our son, soon realized that she wanted to stay at home with him while I worked.

So she turned her 2 weeks in, and everybody wished her well. No bad blood.

Due to our financial situation, we needed some type of supplemental income to help us out with baby costs and having a home. So she finds a remote job that pays literally 50% of what she used to make to do the same thing, estimate costs.

My wife was so excited and happy to have found a job that respects her wishes to be a full-time stay at home mother while helping this small company create bids and try to get bids accepted. They explained that they understood this, wanted it to work and were excited for her expertise to take their company to the next level. Even told her to go shopping, workout, etc. as long as bids were being made.

The first 30 days went great for her. She is able to be with our son, had a good report with her boss and went to multiple conventions to represent said company.

This all changed on day 31.

She calls me at work, crying hysterically, saying that her boss called her. She tells me that he claimed that she has not done anything correct, is lazy, unfocused and costing them money.

My wife is the hardest worker I know. Juggling two jobs pretty much. Sacrificing play time to build bids and other requests that the boss asks her. But come to find out, they said the job was business development. Bitch! You hired the position of estimator, not business development. That is your fucking job you lazy piece of shit.

He THEN said that perhaps my son is a distraction to the job and it took every ounce of respect my wife had to not tell him off and quit on the spot.

But now that I know, I’m involved now.

This sorry ass motherfucker took 30 days of saying great job, this is awesome, keep it up, to turn to day 31 and come up with nonexistent reasons to make my wife feel miserable, unappreciated and angry.

My wife will quit on the spot tomorrow and will be a full-time stay at home mother. I will sell my truck, luckily our debt is paid off and we will budget our asses off in order to make this work. She will get her last check next week.

I hope this bum ass company fails. He is lucky that I am not around to be able to give him some kind words. I have already contacted my lawyer (pro bono former DA) who is on hold waiting to see if they don’t pay her the money that is owed. I can’t wait to hear her quit on the spot and tell his asshole to go fuck himself.

Rant over.

Fuck shitty bosses and companies who pay low wages to deal with clueless business owners.

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