
Wife’s boss accidentally shared a google doc outlining her termination, letters to employees, and letters to clients.

My wife is a manager at a salon. Wife’s boss just accidentally made a private document “public” on google docs and we saw her plans to terminate her employment. She also created a doc called “crucial one on one’s” on my wife’s relationship with each employee, talking poorly about her and even most of the other employees. Connecting with a lawyer soon but quickly posting this to see if anyone has suggestions on how to approach her (likely) final days at work. Please and thanks. Edit: can post screenshots once I block sensitive information out

My wife is a manager at a salon. Wife’s boss just accidentally made a private document “public” on google docs and we saw her plans to terminate her employment. She also created a doc called “crucial one on one’s” on my wife’s relationship with each employee, talking poorly about her and even most of the other employees. Connecting with a lawyer soon but quickly posting this to see if anyone has suggestions on how to approach her (likely) final days at work. Please and thanks.

Edit: can post screenshots once I block sensitive information out

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