
Wife’s boss sucks, what to do?

So my wife wanted to work outside the home after many years raising our boys. Not an issue for me, I want her to be happy. Her first job outside the house is in an industry dealing with animals which she loves(we have 6 dang pets) What she was told in the interview and job acceptance is after a 90 day probation period they would evaluate her, and give a raise based on performance. Yes I have read this sub and have been trying to raise many points with her. But as I’m sure everyone is shocked to hear after 90 days + 2 weeks there is no meeting/raise. She is a “amazing employee” according to the establishment rules. Meaning she does everything she needs to, works when she really shouldn’t etc. She has in the last few months been left short handed, run ragged, been called in on her…

So my wife wanted to work outside the home after many years raising our boys. Not an issue for me, I want her to be happy. Her first job outside the house is in an industry dealing with animals which she loves(we have 6 dang pets)

What she was told in the interview and job acceptance is after a 90 day probation period they would evaluate her, and give a raise based on performance.

Yes I have read this sub and have been trying to raise many points with her. But as I’m sure everyone is shocked to hear after 90 days + 2 weeks there is no meeting/raise. She is a “amazing employee” according to the establishment rules. Meaning she does everything she needs to, works when she really shouldn’t etc.

She has in the last few months been left short handed, run ragged, been called in on her days off, etc. Also she has been told multiple times she doesn’t know her job, though she’s not been trained on the items she had issues with. I told her this evening that these people are just using her, and she needs to figure out how to tell them that for 10$ an hour she will not run their business. I know one answer is to just walk away, but barring that what way would be best to handle this situation?

I appreciate any advise and will advise her. She doesn’t have to work for our family to be ok.

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