
Will the 5 day, 40 hr workweek ever end?

In America, at least. Younger generations obviously have a bad “work attitude” and are a lot less conforming to the standard 40hr work week. It’s been a tad over 80 years since the work week has been limited to 40 hrs. 80 years is not a long time, only like 4 generations ago. This 5 days a week bullshit is unnatural. Of course, you can tolerate it if it’s all you’ve done for the past 30 years. Working 50 weeks of the 52 week year? Only having 2/7 days of the week to yourself? Fucking bullshit. It just has to end eventually.

In America, at least.
Younger generations obviously have a bad “work attitude” and are a lot less conforming to the standard 40hr work week. It’s been a tad over 80 years since the work week has been limited to 40 hrs.
80 years is not a long time, only like 4 generations ago.

This 5 days a week bullshit is unnatural. Of course, you can tolerate it if it’s all you’ve done for the past 30 years.
Working 50 weeks of the 52 week year? Only having 2/7 days of the week to yourself? Fucking bullshit.
It just has to end eventually.

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