
WIN: Complained to HR and got a whole company holiday policy changed

Long time lurker first time poster in this sub, but love what you all do. Had to share a win today that I feel fucking proud of. Long story short, I’ve been at my company for 3 years, and have a clause in my contract saying I get an extra holiday day after 2 years of service and then 1 extra day for each year of service after that. Well last week I noticed I’d been short changed a day for my third anniversary and complained to HR about it, only to get a super long winded response about why I didn’t qualify for the extra day. Apparently the policy was set out such that I would get the holiday day for my second anniversary in the new calendar year, so I would accrue the new day from last year on 1 Jan this year. However, turns out they changed…

Long time lurker first time poster in this sub, but love what you all do.

Had to share a win today that I feel fucking proud of. Long story short, I’ve been at my company for 3 years, and have a clause in my contract saying I get an extra holiday day after 2 years of service and then 1 extra day for each year of service after that.

Well last week I noticed I’d been short changed a day for my third anniversary and complained to HR about it, only to get a super long winded response about why I didn’t qualify for the extra day. Apparently the policy was set out such that I would get the holiday day for my second anniversary in the new calendar year, so I would accrue the new day from last year on 1 Jan this year.

However, turns out they changed the company holiday policy without telling anyone on 1 jan this year too, meaning new holiday days accrue on people’s work anniversary not the new calendar year. They told me this meant I couldn’t accrue a day in “retrospect” and had been allocated an extra day for my second anniversary when I ticked over my third work anniversary earlier this month.

Now, I kicked off. Why was no one informed of the policy change? And also, had I not already met the terms of the previous policy at the same time it changed? I sent a long complaint back and asked too how it could be possible I’ve worked there 3 years and only accrued one day, which isn’t accurate to the old policy or the new one.

Well, after several emails back and forth where HR told me I was wrong, I stood my ground. And they took it to the MD of the business to “discuss further”.

Today, after days of wait, I’ve just heard they have now updated the policy to ensure everyone who started in 2019 gets the extra day they missed out on retrospectively and have updated employees on the new terms.

I fuckin won!!!

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