
Winter storm has me messed up….

So this cold front/winter storm has left me pretty much stranded at my home, vehicle can’t get the traction needed to even get out of my driveway. Called my coworker that I’m opening with and she said she is terrified to open with the roads iced over after the night. She is only 15 minutes from our store, I’m 45. I almost didn’t make it home after I had to close last night and am terrified to even think about going back out on these roads. I’ve been told that our regional is going to drive out to get me. Honestly I don’t want anyone driving out here and I don’t want to have to wait for her to drive me back home after my shift as she is getting more and more people. We have been advised to stay in our homes as where I live isn’t exactly prepared…

So this cold front/winter storm has left me pretty much stranded at my home, vehicle can’t get the traction needed to even get out of my driveway. Called my coworker that I’m opening with and she said she is terrified to open with the roads iced over after the night. She is only 15 minutes from our store, I’m 45. I almost didn’t make it home after I had to close last night and am terrified to even think about going back out on these roads.

I’ve been told that our regional is going to drive out to get me. Honestly I don’t want anyone driving out here and I don’t want to have to wait for her to drive me back home after my shift as she is getting more and more people. We have been advised to stay in our homes as where I live isn’t exactly prepared for ice and such.

I’m just sort of ranting but I’m pissed that this company cares more for people coming into work under dangerous conditions than their safety. I’m leaving the details vague cause I don’t know if they know I’m on here. Let’s hope not Huh? Either way I just needed to rant and get this out there for the record.

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