
With friends like these, who needs enemies?

So I work for a call center that schedules medical appointments for “our nation's heroes”. I put it in quotes as they are not treated that way, but I digress. Corporate is gonna be Corporate no matter who the client is. I've been here 3 years so far and love what I do. Pay is pretty good for where I live but not nearly what we deserve. Last year, my role was expanded to include inbound calls. I hate taking calls but I do my best. Then they add another role and I do my best. Workload is low so our numbers suck and they keep telling us to try our best, “we're in this together”. I already know it's bs but whatever. I finally get my raise and it's a paltry 3.3%. It's not based on my actual performance or else I might've been closer to the inflation rate.…

So I work for a call center that schedules medical appointments for “our nation's heroes”. I put it in quotes as they are not treated that way, but I digress. Corporate is gonna be Corporate no matter who the client is.

I've been here 3 years so far and love what I do. Pay is pretty good for where I live but not nearly what we deserve. Last year, my role was expanded to include inbound calls. I hate taking calls but I do my best. Then they add another role and I do my best.

Workload is low so our numbers suck and they keep telling us to try our best, “we're in this together”. I already know it's bs but whatever. I finally get my raise and it's a paltry 3.3%. It's not based on my actual performance or else I might've been closer to the inflation rate. But then they announced a round of layoffs and I count myself lucky. (Now I wish I would have been selected).

We find out the layoffs are due to the govt deciding they want to handle all the scheduling in house. The silver lining was there was less of us to split the work so our numbers were looking better. Then it snowballed. There was a point where I was only being assigned work to cancel it because we ran out of time. And they still tried putting us in inbound to take calls because they get more money that way. After a week, they canceled my inbound time and extended the expiration date on our work, thankfully. It is not a quick process to get it back.

So either my company screwed over a bunch of Veterans so they can save money or the VA screwed up the transition or both because I don't have faith in either of them. I refuse to be guilted into overworking myself. I will still do my best because there are literally lives on the line but the blood is on their hands. I went from casually browsing the workforce to finding a new job that pays more for less hours. I'm gonna milk my time off before I go and ask everyone how much they make. Thanks for letting me vent. And excuse my rambling.

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