
With gas averaging $5/gallon across america, it’s a perfect time to remind people we should absolutely not be ending WFH

Seriously, if a job can be done from home people should be doing it from home. Employers, don't further drive up the demand for gas (and thus the prices) by telling people they need to come into the office to do a job that doesn't require it. If you do, frankly, you're being unpatriotic pieces of shit who are contributing to making everyone poorer so you can have your daily power trip. Everyone else, thoughts?

Seriously, if a job can be done from home people should be doing it from home. Employers, don't further drive up the demand for gas (and thus the prices) by telling people they need to come into the office to do a job that doesn't require it. If you do, frankly, you're being unpatriotic pieces of shit who are contributing to making everyone poorer so you can have your daily power trip.

Everyone else, thoughts?

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