
Within three months of being hired they reduced our time to take bathroom breaks, outside of lunch breaks and breaks, from 14 minutes to less than four and I was getting in trouble for taking 2x 1 1/2 – 2 minute bathroom breaks a day so I walked out.

I was a remote worker and was having to literally piss in a empty water jug because I would get in trouble for going to the bathroom I even would put customers on hold and tell them I was doing research and that was the only way I could take a shit. Eventually the last straw was when my manager told me they felt I was abusing my bathroom breaks by taking two 2 minute bathroom breaks a day, this was at the end of my shift, it caused a panic attack and I couldn't work the next day and decided it wasn't worth it and quit on the spot. ​

I was a remote worker and was having to literally piss in a empty water jug because I would get in trouble for going to the bathroom I even would put customers on hold and tell them I was doing research and that was the only way I could take a shit. Eventually the last straw was when my manager told me they felt I was abusing my bathroom breaks by taking two 2 minute bathroom breaks a day, this was at the end of my shift, it caused a panic attack and I couldn't work the next day and decided it wasn't worth it and quit on the spot.


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