
Woah. Is this REALLY the work force nowadays? How the hell do you all cope? Its a nightmare.

Ive found myself with a new job/career change that has proved not to live up to its hype and management is extremely toxic. Backstory: ive been a business owner for 12 years im a self taught photographer/videographer & graphic designer. Im not bragging but I am quite skilled. Im tired of running my own business and want the 9-5 now my kids are all in school. My area of business is ALOT of evenings and weekends. I recently accepted a job as a social media manager(promise of design opportunities in job description). Ive about 8 companies I manage and aprox 116 posts a month im in charge of. Im over qualified BUT the company is a digital design/web dev company and I had promise of on job training/career advancement (example being starting corporate video & photography jobs). Ive had ONE corporate video shoot when i first started that went very…

Ive found myself with a new job/career change that has proved not to live up to its hype and management is extremely toxic.

Backstory: ive been a business owner for 12 years im a self taught photographer/videographer & graphic designer. Im not bragging but I am quite skilled. Im tired of running my own business and want the 9-5 now my kids are all in school. My area of business is ALOT of evenings and weekends.

I recently accepted a job as a social media manager(promise of design opportunities in job description). Ive about 8 companies I manage and aprox 116 posts a month im in charge of. Im over qualified BUT the company is a digital design/web dev company and I had promise of on job training/career advancement (example being starting corporate video & photography jobs). Ive had ONE corporate video shoot when i first started that went very well, but found out I only did the job because they were stuck after they fired the videographer they had hired.

The company has used my skills in many design projects outside of my job description and its all gone well. Ive since been promised training in web design(which is where i want to be) only to have them ghost me the week the planned training was to begin. LI questioned the designer who was to train me i was told “they were waiting on things” when i said i was just trying to figure things out I was then told “its not my job to figure things out”. She has acted as though she had never told me my boss gave the ok to begin training me on web design???? Wtf.

My last straw happened when my micromanager boss yelled at me in front of my co workers for trying to explain to her (Very politely-remember peeps ive 12+ years in customer service) we were taking an unnecessary step and could save ourselves precious time, as our deadline was THAT DAY and she made it very clear we needed to get this project out stat. In short she yelled “I WANT WHAT I WANT WHEN I WANT IT”. She is always right no one despite their education or experience knows more than her. Even tho they make it know they’re very strict and have high standards for who they hire.

After her outburst I spent the next 5 hours crying at my desk feeling humiliated and totally demeaned, doing the work twice and worked 50 mins over my shift on a friday night. She then proceeded to contact me at home well into that evening for additional updates and requests. No acknowledgement or apology.

I took this job willing to work my way up from jr roles to prove my worth and gain real world work experience- even taking a pay cut. BUT I will not tolerate being treated this way and being humiliated in front of my co-workers. I feel as though im being toyed with- with promises and pretty talk to keep me around but never any action. I really dont get the endgame here. Are they using me for the time being until they find someone better? Why tell me things then not ever follow through?
Ive got to face her tomorrow and im trying to remain rational and strategic in my next steps.

Since ive been there (3months) TWO people have quit and theyve fired one… and co-workers have mentioned at least two other people who came and gone before my time. Their longest employee at our office is 1 1/2 years. This is not a me problem.

*More about said boss: she and husband are the owners. She has to have her say in every area of the company and OFTEN bites off more than she can chew then blames those under her for her shortcomings. She manually approves EVERY SINGLE SM post that goes out. She will nit pick everything to the point of ridiculousness. Its like shes just trying to assert her dominance by pissing everywhere (sorry not sorry-its fresh and im bitter). She often fails to have the time to approve them all in time (given there are so many)… causing me to have to RE schedule the posts multiple times.
Its an absolute joke the word “manager” is in my job title….

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