
Women and the Workforce connection

Has anybody noticed there is a strong connection between picky, emotional, lying, disrespectful, narcissistic women like Amber Heard and many of these 9-5 bosses. I’m not saying all women. But a specific kind. Amber Heard is the poster child of it. It’s almost like the same women who rejected men in highschool want to reject others and take out their anger in the workplace after climbing to positions of power. They’re the ones who seem to be denying job applications or making the whole finding a reasonable job difficult. Not a coincidence the link between “female empowerment”, the woke feminist movement and Corporate America. I’m not intentionally trying to be masaganistic, but it’s something I noticed over time. I never get rejected when I speak with a male about getting a job, or doing work. But I always do when it’s a woman. Just something I noticed.

Has anybody noticed there is a strong connection between picky, emotional, lying, disrespectful, narcissistic women like Amber Heard and many of these 9-5 bosses. I’m not saying all women. But a specific kind. Amber Heard is the poster child of it.

It’s almost like the same women who rejected men in highschool want to reject others and take out their anger in the workplace after climbing to positions of power. They’re the ones who seem to be denying job applications or making the whole finding a reasonable job difficult.

Not a coincidence the link between “female empowerment”, the woke feminist movement and Corporate America. I’m not intentionally trying to be masaganistic, but it’s something I noticed over time.

I never get rejected when I speak with a male about getting a job, or doing work. But I always do when it’s a woman. Just something I noticed.

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