
Won my grievance today!

I've recently come to find out that I've been accumulating attendance points against me for days that I've missed that should have been covered by FMLA. Surely just a clerical error, right? I didn't feel like it was necessary to create a whole ordeal over it and went to talk about it with the plant manager, documentation in hand. What should've been a quick discussion turned into a long winded rant about how company policy states calling off after 11am/pm (depending on shift) results in double points. Pretty much implying I should schedule the medical instances for my FMLA more conveniently for the company. So I went to my union steward and we filed a grievance. The second meeting was less of a meeting and more of the plant manager being beaten over the head about how dumb he is and how company policy doesn't outrank federal law. Pretty satisfying…

I've recently come to find out that I've been accumulating attendance points against me for days that I've missed that should have been covered by FMLA.

Surely just a clerical error, right? I didn't feel like it was necessary to create a whole ordeal over it and went to talk about it with the plant manager, documentation in hand.

What should've been a quick discussion turned into a long winded rant about how company policy states calling off after 11am/pm (depending on shift) results in double points. Pretty much implying I should schedule the medical instances for my FMLA more conveniently for the company.

So I went to my union steward and we filed a grievance. The second meeting was less of a meeting and more of the plant manager being beaten over the head about how dumb he is and how company policy doesn't outrank federal law.

Pretty satisfying to witness and I received all my attendance points back.

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