
Wondering if I should just fuckin quit

I got reamed today for spending 8 minutes in the bathroom instead of the allotted 5. I am so damned tired of having every minute micromanaged. No more than 4 breaks total in a 10-hour day…TOTAL, and that includes the 20 minute lunch. And because you can't stand up for any reason outside of those 4 breaks, everyone spends all their break time peeing. This job pays more than any other job within a 100-mile radius for someone with my skill set…but I'm getting reeeeal tired of the toxic culture.

I got reamed today for spending 8 minutes in the bathroom instead of the allotted 5. I am so damned tired of having every minute micromanaged. No more than 4 breaks total in a 10-hour day…TOTAL, and that includes the 20 minute lunch. And because you can't stand up for any reason outside of those 4 breaks, everyone spends all their break time peeing.

This job pays more than any other job within a 100-mile radius for someone with my skill set…but I'm getting reeeeal tired of the toxic culture.

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