
Wondering if you can reapply and retake the rater exam at Tellus

I applied and was accepted to be a Tellus rater. I completed and passed the 1st and 2nd parts of the rater exam two days before the dealine. When I went to do the 3rd section I kept having a technical error where it wouldn’t let me access the test. I worked with their tech support and they weren’t much help (told me to clear my history and cookies) which I did and it didn’t fix the issue. In the time waiting for the issue to be resolved my deadline passed and I received an email saying I did not pass the test because it was not completed by the deadline. Am I able to reapply and take the test again? Not really sure what to do. Any insight is appreciated, Thanks!

I applied and was accepted to be a Tellus rater. I completed and passed the 1st and 2nd parts of the rater exam two days before the dealine. When I went to do the 3rd section I kept having a technical error where it wouldn’t let me access the test. I worked with their tech support and they weren’t much help (told me to clear my history and cookies) which I did and it didn’t fix the issue. In the time waiting for the issue to be resolved my deadline passed and I received an email saying I did not pass the test because it was not completed by the deadline. Am I able to reapply and take the test again? Not really sure what to do. Any insight is appreciated, Thanks!

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