
won’t up my contract hrs.

I work at a supermarket for a large company since near a year,, I'm 20F so it's mainly just to get some cash saved whilst I figure what I want to do with my life. I'm on a 7.5hr contract but they put me on almost full time hrs (37 where I live). It hasn't been under 32 hrs for last 5 months other than when I've had a vacation week. It bothers me to no end knowing I'm doing this many hours but when I go paid leave I'll only be getting the 7hrs. Overtime is not extra pay btw. I've asked numerous times about getting a new contract for at least 24hrs ( I know quite a lot of people here who have hours like that ), and the manager almost laughs in my face tbh saying “patience you know there's a waiting list of at least 7…

I work at a supermarket for a large company since near a year,, I'm 20F so it's mainly just to get some cash saved whilst I figure what I want to do with my life.

I'm on a 7.5hr contract but they put me on almost full time hrs (37 where I live). It hasn't been under 32 hrs for last 5 months other than when I've had a vacation week.
It bothers me to no end knowing I'm doing this many hours but when I go paid leave I'll only be getting the 7hrs.
Overtime is not extra pay btw.

I've asked numerous times about getting a new contract for at least 24hrs ( I know quite a lot of people here who have hours like that ), and the manager almost laughs in my face tbh saying “patience you know there's a waiting list of at least 7 others who want hour increase” but the kicker is none of these other people are doing the same hours I've been doing they get max 3 days a week and a rough 16-20 hrs total when I've been getting my shifts booked 6 days per week with them still asking me to use my only day off to come in.

I'm quiet and reserved at work except with a few people so I'm almost sure they're using this to their advantage because they know I'll get shut down quickly when I try ask for things like this(also tried asking in past to be on shop floor more and not 10hrs straight facing customers, which they respond with they need me on tills as no one else will or that everyone needs to go on tills at least a bit when I know there's multiple people who have never been on tills and they continue to recruit new members for shop floor).

The biggest pisstake might be the pension scheme. You put 4.5% into the pension savings every payday and they do the same but as I'm only on 7.5 hrs only 4.5% of those hours will be going in from their side. At moment sure it's not like I'm going to be using those savings but eventually I will and I'll have been taken for a mug.

I'm honestly considering just getting another job at their main competitors even though it's not as close to home as my current one ( slightly higher pay though ) just to get a better contract.

If I go this route how should I go around telling them that I'm only going to do my contracted hours of 1 day because I've got a better job lined up that will actually give me a higher hour contract. And if they refuse to let me then I'll just quit fully. Part of me wants to give an ultimatum like this before I have a new job lined up incase they'll agree but I don't want to risk that.
I'm bad at confrontation which probably isn't helped that I have social autism (this was one of the main motivators I had for wanting to not be on tills or kiosk so much it exhausts me a lot more than any physical labour).

Any advice appreciated and I know I probably need to put my big girl socks on but without any idea how to go about this I'm clueless.

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