

Oh man FUCK that job and fuck my boss. $13 and fucking 50 cents an hour. To walk around a huge ass mf car part plant. Collecting waste. 35 hours a week and that’s 472 pre taxes . $1890 a month. After taxes it’s like $1400 ish. My rent and insurance is $780, I rent a room.That leaves 620. $50 a week in gas. $420 left . $50 in food for a week, barely 2000 calories a day. $20 left for anything that might come up in the entire month. And barely eating. Luckily I only worked this job for a week, only accepted it with intentions to work a work a week til I got a new job. But today my boss came in and was like there’s trash all over the place you need to step it up. It’s such a huge place with so many machines it’s…

Oh man FUCK that job and fuck my boss. $13 and fucking 50 cents an hour. To walk around a huge ass mf car part plant. Collecting waste. 35 hours a week and that’s
472 pre taxes . $1890 a month. After taxes it’s like $1400 ish. My rent and insurance is $780, I rent a room.That leaves 620. $50 a week in gas. $420 left . $50 in food for a week, barely 2000 calories a day. $20 left for anything that might come up in the entire month. And barely eating. Luckily I only worked this job for a week, only accepted it with intentions to work a work a week til I got a new job. But today my boss came in and was like there’s trash all over the place you need to step it up. It’s such a huge place with so many machines it’s hard to find all the cans. But then when I was mumbling he kept saying what did you say ? Over and over again. He let me go on break but said we were gonna have a talk after. Welp I went home and hit my bong and texted him I quit. Already had an interview lined up at a place that says offers $18 an hr, so we’ll see. I hope another person gets hired and quits within a week or so, the person who got hired before me had quit pretty fast too.

*btw I didn’t even work for the plant , I work for janitorial comany, so I had a feeling the plant basically paid them a good amount for my work, and they just pay me a little part.

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