I know this is probably something that gets posted often, but I still figure it's something I ought to post anyway.
How do I make a living without working/being overworked by a company?
I know myself all too well, and I know I'm not what people would call a “hard worker.” I'd just like to live happily without stressing about being “a provider.”
I probably got the wrong degree because I went for English (with a concentration in secondary education) and a minor in Speech and Communication Education. So basically a highschool English teacher, one of the most demanding jobs out there, without the benefits of the pay of being a doctor/lawyer. I'd likely start out at $38k a year, which is not significantly above minimum wage where I live.
I've honestly been shirking applying for work because the thought of it is just so unappealing that I get paralyzed and depressed. But my funds are running dry, and those bills are about to tear their ugly heads.
Is there anything out there for someone like me?
I'm actually quite extroverted and enjoy talking to people and socializing, and I definitely thrive in boring/mundane jobs that don't require too much brainpower because I can just entertain myself in my own head.
Any suggestions, questions, or commiserations are appreciated.