
Work from Home doesn’t want people to know we work from home

So I am “training” for a new job. They had me sign an NDA so I gave to be careful about what I mention but they are a call center that provides support for a major tech company. It’s strictly a work from home position. Personally, I feel like the security requirements are pretty intense. I’m not allowed to have anything in my workspace. No phones, no paper, no pens, nothing that can record customer info. My computer can’t be near a window. My space must be quiet, so no television, music, or pets. This is all to create the illusion that I am not in fact WFH. I should clarify that I understand the security necessity of no phone or storage device but the idea that I can’t have my pet in my “office” because I have to make the illusion that I am not doing a thing I…

So I am “training” for a new job. They had me sign an NDA so I gave to be careful about what I mention but they are a call center that provides support for a major tech company. It’s strictly a work from home position. Personally, I feel like the security requirements are pretty intense. I’m not allowed to have anything in my workspace. No phones, no paper, no pens, nothing that can record customer info. My computer can’t be near a window. My space must be quiet, so no television, music, or pets. This is all to create the illusion that I am not in fact WFH.

I should clarify that I understand the security necessity of no phone or storage device but the idea that I can’t have my pet in my “office” because I have to make the illusion that I am not doing a thing I am doing feels rather nuts to me. The facade of professionalism while they try to also have us relate to their clients on a personal level feels super disconnected.

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