
Work Hell

A month ago I started a job as an Admin Assistant/HR Assistant for a non profit. I was so excited because I thought this was going to be a great learning experience. It has definitely been that but in the worst way possible. A few weeks after I started the job, I met with the CEO which I thought was going to be a regular introduction meeting. Well, I was wrong. The whole meeting consisted of him telling me that there is “drama” going on at the particular office I work at and that I am to spy to make sure nothing is going to happen. The way he was speaking to me, his whole demeanor made me extremely uncomfortable and I cried afterwards. His family and childhood friends work directly under him so trying to get anything to change is impossible because they are quick to defend him. My…

A month ago I started a job as an Admin Assistant/HR Assistant for a non profit. I was so excited because I thought this was going to be a great learning experience. It has definitely been that but in the worst way possible.

A few weeks after I started the job, I met with the CEO which I thought was going to be a regular introduction meeting. Well, I was wrong. The whole meeting consisted of him telling me that there is “drama” going on at the particular office I work at and that I am to spy to make sure nothing is going to happen. The way he was speaking to me, his whole demeanor made me extremely uncomfortable and I cried afterwards.

His family and childhood friends work directly under him so trying to get anything to change is impossible because they are quick to defend him. My office has asked for more employees which was responded with an excuse “you don’t need that show proof” we asked for bigger office space and showed him the spaces and costs which was responded with “oh this office is shaped weird so that won’t work”. Even though it was a wide open space. My colleagues and I are bunched together in a small room while the main office has tons of space. The CEO brags about making 4 million in revenue but refuses to get us a bigger office space or pay the employees more despite me showing what other competitors are paying for the same roles we have. (Which is significantly higher btw).

I won’t continue to drone on but long story short I want to work for a different company where I would be doing similar tasks I am currently doing (running scheduling reports, posting jobs, recruiting, etc.)

However, I am still in college and have no other admin or hr experience. I am having little to no such luck in finding other jobs in this field. The original plan was to stay with this company for 6 months up to a year but I am finding that to be increasingly difficult as days go by.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

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