Let me start by saying I’m a teacher at a public school. Each year we have a staff breakfast for a holiday celebration. The district/admin doesn’t provide us with anything, with the exception of a weak email. Each staff member signs up for a food item to share with all other teachers and staff, potluck style. A lot of us are struggling, yet everyone always pulls through. The district later comments on how the staff party was a “success” like they did anything to make it function.
We don’t get a bonus of any sort which I think is normal for teachers, but it seems like the district could do something to show a little love right? We already put so much of our own money into our classrooms and students.
This year as funding was strained they cut our budgets which is usually $200 a year (for ALL supplies to get through the year) to a legitimate battle for $50 which was essentially kicking dirt in our faces. I’m burnt, and maybe the holidays just make it feel damning.