
Work ignored my holiday request and I took it anyway

So I work at Mcdonalds, you’re supposed to give atleast 2 weeks notice. I requested my holiday 2 months in advance so thats clearly enough time. But they ignored my request, they didn’t say “no” to me or decline it in anyway, and it wasnt approved either. Not in person, not by text, not through the website. Nothing. Regardless, I took my holiday as that’s what I’m intitled to. And it was a very important holiday for me. Work are now very angry with me becuase I took the holiday. I tried calling up the store but no one picked up the phone. I waited for them to call me but no one called me. I printed out some evidence that I requested the holiday 2 months in advance, that I have more than enough holiday balence. And then I printed off a part of the law talking about how…

So I work at Mcdonalds, you’re supposed to give atleast 2 weeks notice.

I requested my holiday 2 months in advance so thats clearly enough time. But they ignored my request, they didn’t say “no” to me or decline it in anyway, and it wasnt approved either. Not in person, not by text, not through the website. Nothing.

Regardless, I took my holiday as that’s what I’m intitled to. And it was a very important holiday for me. Work are now very angry with me becuase I took the holiday.

I tried calling up the store but no one picked up the phone. I waited for them to call me but no one called me.

I printed out some evidence that I requested the holiday 2 months in advance, that I have more than enough holiday balence. And then I printed off a part of the law talking about how I’m entitaled to holiday and them needing to give me notice if my holiday has been declined (which they haven’t).

Should I take in anything else to defend myself? I know I’m compleatly in the right here.

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