
Work is a good way to distract humans

I genuinely take joy in doing nothing everyday. I remember a time when I had to go to school or work and It felt like I was a cog in the machine. That my time was not my own. I spent up until the age of 19, with so many obligations. Now that I am almost 28, nearly a decade after, I am glad to have had so much free time to myself. It has lead me to me thinking deeper about life and why I exist. Examining further and deeper, why i do what i do–where our human drives, wants and needs stem-forth from. When I am walking outside, on the empty sidewalks, seeing and hearing the many cars zooming past, I think to myself “where are all these people going? What drives them to drive everyday, barely walking, but regardless oh-so-busy.” The truth is, I think we humans…

I genuinely take joy in doing nothing everyday. I remember a time when I had to go to school or work and It felt like I was a cog in the machine. That my time was not my own. I spent up until the age of 19, with so many obligations.

Now that I am almost 28, nearly a decade after, I am glad to have had so much free time to myself. It has lead me to me thinking deeper about life and why I exist. Examining further and deeper, why i do what i do–where our human drives, wants and needs stem-forth from.

When I am walking outside, on the empty sidewalks, seeing and hearing the many cars zooming past, I think to myself “where are all these people going? What drives them to drive everyday, barely walking, but regardless oh-so-busy.” The truth is, I think we humans are neurotic. Jumping from one form of stimulation to another. Gripping our phones tightly–as if holding-on to a life line of sorts.

When I truly step back from life and reflect. I am happy for people. I am happy that they are mentally and physically occupied. Busy in some way. On a mission of sorts. Always on the go go go, with barely anytime to catch their breathe. But if they paused for a moment and asked themselves why they do what they do: what would they find? What would the answers truly be?

I went as far as to quit words and fasted from speaking my thoughts. I found peace, a sense of personal spirituality and thought–again–deeper about how strong of a hold language has on us as individuals and as a collective. We are controlled by this once useful tool of sharing ideas and thoughts; we believe these man-made concepts, laws and rules, as a collectively agreed-upon set of beliefs about our lives and how we function. About responsibilities and obligations. Some can't even begin to extricate (remove) themselves from socities-stronghold.

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