
Work is doing a video shoot today, am I within my rights to withdraw concent to be on camera?

I'm not even sure what the shoot is supposed to be but it's probably for social media. Interviewing teachers and assistants at the daycare I work for. They had a professional photographer come in last week to take headshots of which I wasn't made aware of (just like this incident there is no communication besides hearsay) I told them I refuse and was the only one who didn't get a photo. I could tell they weren't pleased. I'm afraid of getting fired if I don't do this thing.

I'm not even sure what the shoot is supposed to be but it's probably for social media. Interviewing teachers and assistants at the daycare I work for. They had a professional photographer come in last week to take headshots of which I wasn't made aware of (just like this incident there is no communication besides hearsay) I told them I refuse and was the only one who didn't get a photo. I could tell they weren't pleased. I'm afraid of getting fired if I don't do this thing.

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