
Work isn’t bad, hypocrisy and selfishness is.

A few disclaimers, I'm kind of afraid of being gaslighted and demeaned for my differing opinions. –I don't think any less of people with differing opinions, your life isn't mine, you do what's best for you. –Work to me is anything I do that is productive outside of my internal world. Taking out trash, craft/material hobbies, exercising, ect… A job just pays me to do these things. At most places I have had a job, for the most part, this goes off without a hitch, I do things, I get paid. Occasionally though I have run into people who take advantage “ENTER THE HYPOCRITE” … This person usually has some form of perceived authority (legit or not) over me. They think because they oversee that they are not my coworker (someone who is getting paid to do stuff). They think that since they give directive that they are then above…

A few disclaimers, I'm kind of afraid of being gaslighted and demeaned for my differing opinions.

–I don't think any less of people with differing opinions, your life isn't mine, you do what's best for you.
–Work to me is anything I do that is productive outside of my internal world. Taking out trash, craft/material hobbies, exercising, ect… A job just pays me to do these things.

At most places I have had a job, for the most part, this goes off without a hitch, I do things, I get paid. Occasionally though I have run into people who take advantage

“ENTER THE HYPOCRITE” … This person usually has some form of perceived authority (legit or not) over me. They think because they oversee that they are not my coworker (someone who is getting paid to do stuff). They think that since they give directive that they are then above the work, and yet at the same time think they know the best way to do it. And yet they are by no means any type of good at doing said work. Their form of motivations are things like… Micromanaging and expecting not to be bothered by questions or clarification…. Putting people down when they make an error….. Straight up dismissing any other thought that isn't theirs in a rude way, and giving zero credit if they then do listen. They expect others to be better at the job then them but never acknowledge this point in any way. They're are delusional in some capacity.

Now some places even have very competent people and they are one of, if not the best workers around.

“ROUND TWO: THE SELFISH WORKHORSE”… This person will work circles around most everyone and wonder why everyone is being so lazy. In small businesses they are usually the owner.(more about this dynamic later) This person does not give time for people to learn, one mistake? Time for you to get out of the way because you're not good enough. Completely overlooking that this is how people get better and giving themselves all the extra time doing said work to become better and looking down on others that they have now discouraged. This person is jaded because they are holding the world on their shoulders because of some superiority complex…. Now if it's the owner, oh boy, they think that others should care as much about their business as they do. I could see this as reasonable if they were also paying the person and equal share of the profits now and in the future, as in being able to retire and make the same amount from the business as kind of a co-owner. But alas sucky people on both sides of the fence are still sucky.

With this being said we all have bad days.

On a closing note I don't look at people and ever think “this person is my boss” I only have coworkers. You own the company we are doing work at the same place… Coworker . You come in at night to clean the office and I never see you?… Coworker. You are a temp here just to do some push off work that literally no one wants to do… Coworker. You are the person who we have a mutual friend and we both show up to help them move?… COWORKER.

I don't know this is a small part of what I think and it is subject to change. Just wanted to put it out there.

TLDR… Doing things sucks when people around you suck.

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