
work/life balance vs pay

What's the general opinion here? I'm in Canada and I just recently took a paycut in exchange for the work life balance I've been searching for. I work 8 hours EVERY DAY now, job is Hella fun, and the people are great. I could have pursued a different job that would have paid $5 more per hour but I'm done with 10-12 hour shifts. I see on this sub all the time that pay is shit, but are you working super long hours and is your job super stressful? Idk maybe the USA is just right fucked up and it is Journeyman Carpenter btw.

What's the general opinion here? I'm in Canada and I just recently took a paycut in exchange for the work life balance I've been searching for. I work 8 hours EVERY DAY now, job is Hella fun, and the people are great. I could have pursued a different job that would have paid $5 more per hour but I'm done with 10-12 hour shifts.

I see on this sub all the time that pay is shit, but are you working super long hours and is your job super stressful? Idk maybe the USA is just right fucked up and it is

Journeyman Carpenter btw.

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