
Work loyalty only goes one way

I wanted to quit my job I’ve had for over a year for another one. I told my boss in the beginning of the month (by law if you say you are going to quit it’s fine) and today I talked to her about it since I mentioned I could stay in September for a bit as courtesy to help the next person have an easier start and that it doesn’t work because my parents are sick. Today she told me I’m illoyal and how I can live with myself to look for another job while I’m still there and also that in question she will make sure she hasn’t heard my request to quit. The problem now is that I told her on the first of the month but technically it should have been the last of last month and in that case she can make me stay for…

I wanted to quit my job I’ve had for over a year for another one. I told my boss in the beginning of the month (by law if you say you are going to quit it’s fine) and today I talked to her about it since I mentioned I could stay in September for a bit as courtesy to help the next person have an easier start and that it doesn’t work because my parents are sick. Today she told me I’m illoyal and how I can live with myself to look for another job while I’m still there and also that in question she will make sure she hasn’t heard my request to quit. The problem now is that I told her on the first of the month but technically it should have been the last of last month and in that case she can make me stay for another month. I feel horrible here and I have wanted to leave for a while but needed a job to sustain myself (I go to uni) and now that my parents are sick I scored a work-from-home job that aligns with my studies, while this one is only there to make money and she also never actually went out of her way to make my life easier in any way or showed much appreciation but texted me at random times about papers and where I’ve put them. I’m sick to my stomach and juridically there’s nothing I can do. I know that me accepting another job is not technical antiwork, but I think it still fit on the topic of unempathetic employers. Do you have any advice?

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