
Work now automatically removes 30 min from our time if we don’t take a break. What can I do?

At my urgent care, going on break is optional. We don’t have to take a break unless we want to. It has been that way for 2 years. (Edit: when I say “want” I am also referring to situations in which we “can’t” go on break) They released a notice today stating that they will automatically remove 30 minutes from our time even if we do not actually take a break. I know that this is retaliation against us because the manager feels slighted by the idea that we are deliberately not clocking out in order to run up her labor costs. Our manager and her husband own our urgent care. Unfortunately, I can’t prove that this is retaliation so that’s irrelevant. What can I do specifically to address the fact that they remove 30 minutes for breaks that we don’t even take? Virginia, USA

At my urgent care, going on break is optional. We don’t have to take a break unless we want to. It has been that way for 2 years. (Edit: when I say “want” I am also referring to situations in which we “can’t” go on break)

They released a notice today stating that they will automatically remove 30 minutes from our time even if we do not actually take a break.

I know that this is retaliation against us because the manager feels slighted by the idea that we are deliberately not clocking out in order to run up her labor costs. Our manager and her husband own our urgent care. Unfortunately, I can’t prove that this is retaliation so that’s irrelevant.

What can I do specifically to address the fact that they remove 30 minutes for breaks that we don’t even take?

Virginia, USA

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