
Work pay differences

I spoke with my coworkers the other day about how much we all make. We are associates at a big grocery chain in the US. I make the same amount as associates who have worked there for 10 years. $16/hour. My manager (10 years at this job as well) only makes a dollar more than me. I just started in January. How did that happen and how could the associates advocate for a higher wage if they are at an entry level job? Sorry for being vague I’m terrified of putting details on the internet.

I spoke with my coworkers the other day about how much we all make. We are associates at a big grocery chain in the US.
I make the same amount as associates who have worked there for 10 years. $16/hour. My manager (10 years at this job as well) only makes a dollar more than me. I just started in January. How did that happen and how could the associates advocate for a higher wage if they are at an entry level job? Sorry for being vague I’m terrified of putting details on the internet.

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