
Work possibly stealing tips??

I work a at fast food like place (technically not fast food because we do make the food on the spot). Anyways I’ve worked there for about 2 months now and in that time I noticed that we have little tip bowls, I also noticed that I was never getting a portion of the tips so I asked what the tips situation was and I was told they got donated. I know it’s not just me being scammed out of tips because I’ve closed before and have never seen anyone get a portion of the tips. I told my mom about this (I’m a minor) and she thinks my bosses are stealing tips. When customers tip they’re not aware it’s being donated nowhere does it say where tips are donated to. My mom tried to call cooperate but we don’t have one, it’s all franchises. I’m debating quitting because of…

I work a at fast food like place (technically not fast food because we do make the food on the spot). Anyways I’ve worked there for about 2 months now and in that time I noticed that we have little tip bowls, I also noticed that I was never getting a portion of the tips so I asked what the tips situation was and I was told they got donated.
I know it’s not just me being scammed out of tips because I’ve closed before and have never seen anyone get a portion of the tips. I told my mom about this (I’m a minor) and she thinks my bosses are stealing tips. When customers tip they’re not aware it’s being donated nowhere does it say where tips are donated to. My mom tried to call cooperate but we don’t have one, it’s all franchises.
I’m debating quitting because of this and also their poor management. I’ve have to call in late before because of them messing up my schedule and not listening to my requests. And instead of just letting me come in late they would tell me not to come in, same situation I tried to swap shifts with a coworker per her request and they basically interrogated me then gave us both the day off.
My mom encourages me to quit and I’ve been debating it and I wanna know if I Should start looking for new jobs and if this is sketchy.

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