
Work shorted my pay $200 so now I can’t afford food. Their response is basically “too bad.”

Someone screwed up and marked me as a no-show for a day I was in. They told me I’d receive the $200 next paycheck, on 7/29. I can’t go two weeks without eating, WTF? My fridge was already empty and I was counting on this check to survive. I’m already rationing ramen noodles, and not to mention I already couldn’t afford medical treatment for my severe health issues, I had to stop seeing my Dr as I couldn’t afford the copays even with insurance. I’m baffled that they just won’t fix this and even more baffled and hurt that I’ve reached out to several people and NO ONE CARES. I told HR I can’t afford food as a result of their error. They didn’t even apologize. Edit: according to HR, because the $200 wasn’t technically part of my hourly pay and is considered a bonus, there is nothing they can…

Someone screwed up and marked me as a no-show for a day I was in. They told me I’d receive the $200 next paycheck, on 7/29. I can’t go two weeks without eating, WTF? My fridge was already empty and I was counting on this check to survive. I’m already rationing ramen noodles, and not to mention I already couldn’t afford medical treatment for my severe health issues, I had to stop seeing my Dr as I couldn’t afford the copays even with insurance. I’m baffled that they just won’t fix this and even more baffled and hurt that I’ve reached out to several people and NO ONE CARES. I told HR I can’t afford food as a result of their error. They didn’t even apologize.

Edit: according to HR, because the $200 wasn’t technically part of my hourly pay and is considered a bonus, there is nothing they can do. But it was still a bonus I was told I would (and should have) received. I will still reach out to my labor board and see if there’s anything that can be done.

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