
Work should be 9 – 3 not 9 – 5 at 4 days a week not 5

I dont want to hear about 20% less pay that is accepting the system works how it does without change. I'm simply posting this because this is a fair exchange. I'd rather work 9 – 3 with only one, fifteen no lunch then to feel exhausted, destroyed and like there's no end in sight for 5 days and blink the weekends gone. I mean the thing is we all have to work to make the world go round. We all have to pay something to make our society produce and invent as well as bring product and service to you. But the reality is. Requirements went up, pay went down, costs sky rocketed, and the work world hasn't changed. Life should not be about work, life shouldn't revolve around work. Plain and simple.

I dont want to hear about 20% less pay that is accepting the system works how it does without change.
I'm simply posting this because this is a fair exchange.

I'd rather work 9 – 3 with only one, fifteen no lunch then to feel exhausted, destroyed and like there's no end in sight for 5 days and blink the weekends gone.

I mean the thing is we all have to work to make the world go round. We all have to pay something to make our society produce and invent as well as bring product and service to you.

But the reality is.
Requirements went up, pay went down, costs sky rocketed, and the work world hasn't changed.
Life should not be about work, life shouldn't revolve around work. Plain and simple.

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