
Work shouldn’t be making group chats.

I quit my job recently because my boss was really rude and had this I’m the boss attitude so I can make your life hell. & I’m all about authority but I don’t like people thinking they can control me especially negatively! She was thinking me calling off was me being petty or rude to her so she was scheduling me only afternoon to nights and every weekend. I’m in a relationship I have responsibilities at home and work doesn’t trump my real life responsibilities! Anyways we had a group chat and I hated that. I don’t think it’s ok for bosses to expose your number to all these random ass people just because I work with them. That’s giving them too much access. Makes them think they can contact me out of the blue, exposes my emails and socials, and my privacy in general. So I blocked a couple…

I quit my job recently because my boss was really rude and had this I’m the boss attitude so I can make your life hell. & I’m all about authority but I don’t like people thinking they can control me especially negatively! She was thinking me calling off was me being petty or rude to her so she was scheduling me only afternoon to nights and every weekend. I’m in a relationship I have responsibilities at home and work doesn’t trump my real life responsibilities!

Anyways we had a group chat and I hated that. I don’t think it’s ok for bosses to expose your number to all these random ass people just because I work with them. That’s giving them too much access. Makes them think they can contact me out of the blue, exposes my emails and socials, and my privacy in general.

So I blocked a couple numbers from people I knew would contact me just to be nosey. Shortly after I get a text from an unknown number. An old man I blocked texted me saying I should have said bye and why did I leave?

I don’t have to explain shit to him or say goodbye to anyone. They weren’t my friends I literally just got a job the same as them. I know this old man he’s annoying and likes to gossip and acts like a stupid little boy who never grew up.

I just told him I can find something better and don’t need to subject myself to shitty hours. He never wrote back!!! Obviously because I didn’t trash talk anyone he doesn’t care.

When I started there was a girl who didn’t like me and he would always talk about her and ask me questions and then go tell her. It was so pathetic!!!! If I talked shit about the boss he would definitely go tell her.

I blocked him again but the fact that he can just continue to bug me with any random number from now til forever doesn’t sit right with me. Employees should not have an easy way to contact me especially because I can quit at any time and I don’t need to continue to engage them.

Now I know not to respond but the post still stands because I see lots of you post group chats. Has this ever been a problem for any of you?

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