
Work support programmes…

Does anyone else find these pretty useless? I wish they had some specifically for neurodivergent people (rather than lumping autistic people into the same category as people with Down's), but they generally are just for neurotypicals. It's weird when a huge amount of the population are autistic or have ADHD, so I thought work programmes for us would be handy for many but ok 🤷‍️ Anyway I've had phone appointments that never happen quite a few times, with both the JC and Restart. It's a waste of my time really and I'm sure they try to catch me out sometimes as they often don't reply to my emails, either I also wanted to express how I hate how people look down on the unemployed, as if having a fancy job title or rank makes you superior. It really doesn't. You are not a better person just because you can work.…

Does anyone else find these pretty useless? I wish they had some specifically for neurodivergent people (rather than lumping autistic people into the same category as people with Down's), but they generally are just for neurotypicals. It's weird when a huge amount of the population are autistic or have ADHD, so I thought work programmes for us would be handy for many but ok 🤷‍️

Anyway I've had phone appointments that never happen quite a few times, with both the JC and Restart. It's a waste of my time really and I'm sure they try to catch me out sometimes as they often don't reply to my emails, either

I also wanted to express how I hate how people look down on the unemployed, as if having a fancy job title or rank makes you superior. It really doesn't. You are not a better person just because you can work. I have chronic health issues, and the ableism I face because of that and the autism makes sustaining at least conventional 9-5 work difficult for me (then again I say that but most jobs are a struggle unless they are remote)

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