
Work wants me back by the 20th. I tested positive on the 17th.

I've been sick with more than just COVID recently, but I told my supervisor that I tested positive and that I wouldn't be able to come in the entirety of next week due to isolation. She then says that I must come in on Monday, despite me feeling deathly ill and being in a quarantine facility. I tried to refuse but she said that she still wanted me shifted, which makes me very uncomfortable because I work with children. Any advice?

I've been sick with more than just COVID recently, but I told my supervisor that I tested positive and that I wouldn't be able to come in the entirety of next week due to isolation. She then says that I must come in on Monday, despite me feeling deathly ill and being in a quarantine facility. I tried to refuse but she said that she still wanted me shifted, which makes me very uncomfortable because I work with children. Any advice?

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