
Work wants me to move states, hell no!

My company, after 2.5 years wants me to move to Maryland. No reason given, just “we really think you should move here”. – I am in charge of the office/people where I am, if I moved down there I would no longer be in charge. – The cost of living is 140% higher than where I currently live. – Maryland is a southern state as far as I'm concerned, where Racism is much more aggressive, wealth inequality is higher. – People in Maryland are rude backstabbers from what I've discovered over the years (not just at this company, but any company I've done businesses with down there) – Nothing is properly planned out, the roads are horrible and always under construction, there's no logic to how the towns are laid out. It's like nothing was planned. The area I live in now, everything was preplanned and built out in a…

My company, after 2.5 years wants me to move to Maryland. No reason given, just “we really think you should move here”.

– I am in charge of the office/people where I am, if I moved down there I would no longer be in charge.

– The cost of living is 140% higher than where I currently live.

– Maryland is a southern state as far as I'm concerned, where Racism is much more aggressive, wealth inequality is higher.

– People in Maryland are rude backstabbers from what I've discovered over the years (not just at this company, but any company I've done businesses with down there)

– Nothing is properly planned out, the roads are horrible and always under construction, there's no logic to how the towns are laid out. It's like nothing was planned. The area I live in now, everything was preplanned and built out in a logical way.

– The move would be at my expense and wouldn't result in more pay.

– No consideration for the fact that I have a family and can't just get up and move. Or the fact that I have a wonderful house and land that I've built myself.

– I currently work from Home and have for 16 years. Yes I occasionally have to go into an office for meetings but overall I'm at home and all my people are as well. If I moved down there I would have to be in an office everyday. WTF, every company I've worked for in my state has been remove for over a decade.

– Everyone in Maryland that I've ever met speaks so damn SLOW!!!! It drives me nuts. You have something to say then say it, spit it out, otherwise shut up! And for the love of everything, why the fuck do these people not give any context to what they are saying? Did they fail the part of elementary school grammar lessons where you learn not to start explaining things without context?

Now since I'm sure some MD person is going so say “Not everyone” yeah yeah yeah, it's never everyone, but if the vast majority of people in the business world down there are then that's all that matters.

Thursday I have an interview with a new company, 25% higher pay, full remote, no moving. 2.5 years is move than enough for these selfish backwards bastards.

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