
Work: We are a family. We arent responsible for you though.

Started working at my first job after college some 5 years ago. I was probably naive because I trusted everything my manager told me. My manager had been with the company for 30 years. He was always telling me how we are a family here and blah blah. Legit thought of him as a friend. I was criminally underpaid. But it was fine I thought, after all I was among friends. I was probably doing 2 people's jobs while getting a single salary. In return they never questioned if I came in late by 30-60 minutes, made up for it by staying late after everyone left the office at 5. I have gone home 6,7,8 and 9pm. I am usually the dude that locks up everything. Anyhow, I and the SO decided to have a baby. We also spent all our savings into a house. We went from 2 incomes…

Started working at my first job after college some 5 years ago. I was probably naive because I trusted everything my manager told me.

My manager had been with the company for 30 years. He was always telling me how we are a family here and blah blah. Legit thought of him as a friend.

I was criminally underpaid. But it was fine I thought, after all I was among friends. I was probably doing 2 people's jobs while getting a single salary. In return they never questioned if I came in late by 30-60 minutes, made up for it by staying late after everyone left the office at 5. I have gone home 6,7,8 and 9pm. I am usually the dude that locks up everything.

Anyhow, I and the SO decided to have a baby. We also spent all our savings into a house. We went from 2 incomes to 1 and without any savings.

When I felt financial hardship I decided to go to my boss. I told my SO I was gonna go and get a 10k raise. She wondered of I would be successfull and I just laughed. I had no doubt in my mind they would give me what I wanted. I do so much. Plus they are my family. The manager is a friend.

I asked him for a 1 on 1 meeting. Went in and said I need 10k more. He asks me why I need more. I replied because we are on a single income and our savings are gone. I simply cannot afford food or mortgage payments with the current pay.

In response he chuckles and says thats not a good enough reason. “Xyz is not responsible for your living expense increases. We give raises based on performance. Show my the figures of why you should be given a raise and I will consider”.

I had nothing prepared. I couldnt present an argument because he wanted stats and numbers. Didnt get a raise.

Utterly shocked I requested a few more days so I could prepare something.

Presented all the facts and figures and at the end he says the most he can do is 3.5k annual increase and that we will revisit this next year.

I have already started applying to other jobs for at least 50% more starting pay.

I was so dumb. I bought all the 'we are a family' crap.

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