
Work won’t let me use vacation or sick time within six months of hiring AND now it’s until I’ve built up at least 140 hours of both sick and vacation time.

While I don’t agree with it, it’s somewhat typical of a workplace to limit how much PTO one can use within some many months of hiring. When in the interview they told me that I couldn’t use any PTO within six months of hiring, I thought that was absurdly long but that I could try and make it. Well that didn’t happen because life didn’t happen. My wife got in a car accident and I got Covid. All in all I’ve taken 8 days off for work, 5 days due to a positive Covid test within 5 months. I know this is excessive but each day off was due to unseen circumstances, especially Covid. (I am vaccinated.) I got called into my managers office and told that I’m order to take ANY vacation or sick time that I would need to accumulate at least 140 vacation hours and 140 sick…

While I don’t agree with it, it’s somewhat typical of a workplace to limit how much PTO one can use within some many months of hiring.
When in the interview they told me that I couldn’t use any PTO within six months of hiring, I thought that was absurdly long but that I could try and make it. Well that didn’t happen because life didn’t happen. My wife got in a car accident and I got Covid. All in all I’ve taken 8 days off for work, 5 days due to a positive Covid test within 5 months. I know this is excessive but each day off was due to unseen circumstances, especially Covid. (I am vaccinated.)

I got called into my managers office and told that I’m order to take ANY vacation or sick time that I would need to accumulate at least 140 vacation hours and 140 sick hours. That would take me around 1.5 years to to accumulate for each. I’m wondering if y’all ever heard of anything like this before and if this is even legal. It’s just absurd. Why is my time not my time?

Edit: Not only do I need to cumulate 140 hours of each before I can take any PTO, I am also required to keep 100 hours of each sick and vacation time in reserve at all times. In case I cannot come to work for whatever reason.

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