
Worked as a temp here for a month

So I was working at a medical device company they hired me through a temp agency I reached my one month mark 2 days ago. Wake up today to a phone call from said temp agency that they terminated my employment. But yesterday to recap came in seemed like a normal day but about 2 weeks ago the plant head retired was a older more layed back guy, this is important later I didn't know him long and only talked to him in passing. Well my department lead comes in after going to a meeting with the New plant head. Says we are all under review and our jobs are on the line demanded 600 units per line in 8 hours we were running 2 lines. ” Enough bullshit make it happen” then leaves for the day as he's day shift and I work the night crew for this plant…

So I was working at a medical device company they hired me through a temp agency I reached my one month mark 2 days ago. Wake up today to a phone call from said temp agency that they terminated my employment. But yesterday to recap came in seemed like a normal day but about 2 weeks ago the plant head retired was a older more layed back guy, this is important later I didn't know him long and only talked to him in passing. Well my department lead comes in after going to a meeting with the New plant head. Says we are all under review and our jobs are on the line demanded 600 units per line in 8 hours we were running 2 lines. ” Enough bullshit make it happen” then leaves for the day as he's day shift and I work the night crew for this plant there are 9 of use 1 being a part timer. So 8 really day shift has about 15 to 17 people any given day and pushes 600 to 900 units FOR THE DAY. Not per line so I was like well fuck they are trying to fire people. Also to clarify I live in Texas which is an at will employment state meaning I can basically be fired for no damn reason at all. I had a gut feeling then was sent home 2 hours early along with 2 other to ” boost productivity percentage” and then was wake up at 8 am to the temp agency telling me I no longer had a job. I get so tired of it sometimes I have busted my ass for everything I have,but that stability is like a balancing act that have no control over.

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