
Worked at a company for 3 years, never had a promotion. Meanwhile, people who have been working there for less than 6 months got promotions because of their “leadership qualities”

I have been nothing but a fabulous worker. It’s in events, and it’s a university job for students. I have been personable, friendly, helpful to clients and coworkers, and never missed a shift. A couple of weeks ago, three students got promoted to leads. Besides myself, there are two other students who have been there since 2019, and none of us got the promotion. When I emailed my boss asking why I didn’t get the promotion, she said “they displayed leadership qualities”. What does this fucking even mean? She also said that because I’m a senior graduating in a few months, that I was deemed ineligible because they want someone who will be around for at least a year or two. Guess what? I could still use more money between now and the time I graduate! Would it hurt them AT ALL to promote me and pay me a couple…

I have been nothing but a fabulous worker. It’s in events, and it’s a university job for students. I have been personable, friendly, helpful to clients and coworkers, and never missed a shift. A couple of weeks ago, three students got promoted to leads. Besides myself, there are two other students who have been there since 2019, and none of us got the promotion.

When I emailed my boss asking why I didn’t get the promotion, she said “they displayed leadership qualities”. What does this fucking even mean? She also said that because I’m a senior graduating in a few months, that I was deemed ineligible because they want someone who will be around for at least a year or two. Guess what? I could still use more money between now and the time I graduate! Would it hurt them AT ALL to promote me and pay me a couple dollars over minimum wage (I earn minimum wage now) for a few months? Would it really eat up that many resources for training for a job that I already have been doing well for 3 years? I don’t think so.

So I can’t figure out their motivation for not promoting me. I have a service dog, so part of me wonders if it is actually just discrimination. I hate to pull that card, but given my job performance I really can’t figure out any other reason for my not getting this promotion.

Maybe it’s laziness? They don’t want to train me and then have to find a replacement to retrain in a few months? It just doesn’t add up.

I want to quit so badly but I can’t get a job that works around my school schedule the way this job does. And I need the income. Please give advice, I feel like such shit rn.

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