
Worked at a gas station with awesome managers and coworkers then corporate screwed everything up

So i worked for a year and a half at a gas station chain that was generally shit and included shit pay, which i would later find out was not even competitive pay at all compared to some other gas stations. About $12 per hour starting while a competing gas station next door offered $15 an hour for starting pay. Despite this, i still stayed at this place because i had awesome coworkers and an awesome GM and co manager i worked with. I didnt want to leave that and risk getting a job just as shitty but also have to work with shitty people and managers like in some of the posts i see here… so i stayed for quite a while. Everything was going just as normal until corporate decided they wanted to move our general manager to a completely different store. They told her this just one…

So i worked for a year and a half at a gas station chain that was generally shit and included shit pay, which i would later find out was not even competitive pay at all compared to some other gas stations. About $12 per hour starting while a competing gas station next door offered $15 an hour for starting pay. Despite this, i still stayed at this place because i had awesome coworkers and an awesome GM and co manager i worked with. I didnt want to leave that and risk getting a job just as shitty but also have to work with shitty people and managers like in some of the posts i see here… so i stayed for quite a while. Everything was going just as normal until corporate decided they wanted to move our general manager to a completely different store. They told her this just one day before she is expected to start at new store which also just had a manager quit that they knew about for weeks before but did not do anything until the last moment. After moving our awesome GM they promote the co manager to be the new GM. This will turn out to be a terrible decision because while she is great too she had many issues with anxiety and other mental health issues. Now being the only manager in the whole store the company was forcing her to take on so much more hours than she did before and than she even wanted. 7 days a week and 60 – 70 hours every week with no days off at all until she walked off a shift and we later found out she had a mental break. After she quit our old general manager is trying to cover managerial duties at her new store and our old store, and even a couple other nearby stores that also had managerial and staffing problems without having any additional pay increase since managers are on salary. Employee morale sunk at our store and i was getting put on with more hours, which was not good as i was part time only and im going to college full time. Eventually i see the writing on the wall and i put in my two week notice, with next week hearing that a new manager is found for our store and our overnight guy is taking a promotion to co manager. I finished the last of my shifts with no issue and left right as the new manager started his job. I would later hear that this manager also quit and the new co manager ended up being acting general manager, which i believe he still is to this day (I quit in october last year). While i still made occasional visits to the gas station i used to work at i saw more people quitting as time went by and now whenever i visit i dont even know anybody there anymore. Everyone awesome I used to work with who did great at running our store all quit because corporate royally fucked us and thought they could treat workers as cannon fodder to be moved around at will. The new staff i see there do not do nearly as good a job and everytime the store is always dirty, many shelves not stocked with product in boxes, and food sits out for a long time and gets gross. Thats all i have of my soapbox and really shows that companies dont care at all about retaining talent and only want to use people until theyre worn down and then replace them.

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